NABU in Traun- greatest proximity to the customers
NABU-Oberflächentechnik GmbH in Traun, Austria, the Austrian branch of NABU, offers the greatest proximity to the customers in the area. An on-the-spot contact person is truly appreciated by our Austrian customers. We are able to react quicker because the distance and time necessary to travel to the client is shorter. All technical equipment and a laboratory is located in Traun to ensure optimal on-the-spot service.As a subsidiary of NABU, NABU in Austria follows the same guidelines: professionally competent, individual advice, environmentally friendly technology, innovative products and optimal service. The Austrian laboratory in the district of Linz-Land is close to the market in developing new products and in optimizing procedure. In addition to the enamel stripping we also offer an extensive package of services for the pre-treatment of metal, the mold release in the plastics processing industry and also brazing/soldering aids.

NABU-Oberflächentechnik GmbH
Kornstraße 4
A-4060 Leonding
+43 / (0) 72 29 / 6 12 12-0